How do I cancel my Novlr subscription?
We know there are lots of reasons why people need to cancel their subscription, so we’ve tried to make it as easy as possible. We don’t want anyone to have to jump through lots of hoops to cancel.
To cancel your subscription, all you need to do is click on your name or the settings cog at the bottom of the side menu, click on "Subscription" and then click on "Manage Billing". This will take you to your billing page where you can cancel or change your subscription.
If you have a subscription you’ve already paid for but know you have to take some time off writing, you can also pause your subscription. This will stop your billing and save your writing time from the time you pause it to make sure you can get right back to writing, whenever you’re ready.
If you do decide to cancel, we’d really appreciate it if you reached out and told us why. Knowing why users cancel gives us an idea of what we can do to improve Novlr, and your feedback is always important to us.
To cancel your subscription, all you need to do is click on your name or the settings cog at the bottom of the side menu, click on "Subscription" and then click on "Manage Billing". This will take you to your billing page where you can cancel or change your subscription.
If you have a subscription you’ve already paid for but know you have to take some time off writing, you can also pause your subscription. This will stop your billing and save your writing time from the time you pause it to make sure you can get right back to writing, whenever you’re ready.
If you do decide to cancel, we’d really appreciate it if you reached out and told us why. Knowing why users cancel gives us an idea of what we can do to improve Novlr, and your feedback is always important to us.
Updated on: 11/10/2022
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