How do I create a nested chapter?
To create a nested chapter or note, all you need to do is open the chapter sidebar up and click the + icon next to an already created chapter. This will create a new subchapter undreneath.

You can also click and drag any existing chapter under another one to create a nested chapter. When you drag a chapter over the chapter you would like to nest it under, it will turn blue. When you release it, it will nest the chapter underneath.

To un-nest a chapter, simple open the chapter dropdown to view all nested chapter. Click and drag the chapter you wish to un-nest. A blue guide line will appear when you hold and drag. When the guide line is full width, this is a primary chapter, but when it is the length of the chapter that appears above it, you know you're nesting it correctly.

To drag and drop a chapter, hold your mouse cursor over the chapter title, click and hold, then move it into position. You can un-nest chapters using the same techniques.

You can also click and drag any existing chapter under another one to create a nested chapter. When you drag a chapter over the chapter you would like to nest it under, it will turn blue. When you release it, it will nest the chapter underneath.

To un-nest a chapter, simple open the chapter dropdown to view all nested chapter. Click and drag the chapter you wish to un-nest. A blue guide line will appear when you hold and drag. When the guide line is full width, this is a primary chapter, but when it is the length of the chapter that appears above it, you know you're nesting it correctly.

To drag and drop a chapter, hold your mouse cursor over the chapter title, click and hold, then move it into position. You can un-nest chapters using the same techniques.
Updated on: 16/10/2022
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