Articles on: Novel Management

Why am I being asked to pick a live project?

If you're being asked to pick a live project, it means you've been moved from Novlr Pro or Novlr Plus to the Novlr Standard plan and are logging in for the first time since you downgraded. This happens if:

you've cancelled your Novlr Pro or Plus subscription;
a payment for your Novlr Pro or Plus subscription has failed after three retries;
you've reached the end of your Novlr Pro or Plus trial.

Novlr offers you five projects to write for free on our platform, forever, and Novlr Pro and Plus give you unlimited editable novels, plus additional features.

If you have multiple projects when you downgrade, a popup will let you choose which project you want to work on. The remaining projects will be safely archived.

You won't be able to edit your archived projects, but you will be able to access, view, and export them at any time. Your words are still your words, and we strongly believe in making sure you have access to them at all times, even if they're not editable in Novlr.

If you want to unlock archived projects for editing, you can subscribe to Novlr Pro or Plus at any time for unlimited projects.

Updated on: 06/01/2025

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