Articles on: Novel Management

How do I import an existing project into Novlr?

Whether you want to import an existing project to keep writing in Novlr, or want to upload a template to help you build out your characters, world, or plot, you can do so in Novlr.

To import a project, navigate to the Writing Studio from the Dashboard and click on the import button at the bottom of the project table. Once clicked, you will see a pop-up where you can import from your device, or drag a file to, and then select Import.

If you have heading hierarchy set in the document you are importing, you will be given the option to import your document as a single section or chapter, or choose to have Novlr auto-split your document into separate sections for you.

If you don't have heading hierarchy set, you can use Novlr’s split function to split a large doc into smaller docs

You can also import individual sections. Read more here.

We currently only support import for .docx formats, but more will be coming very soon.

Updated on: 06/01/2025

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