Articles on: Writing

What keyboard or markdown shortcuts does Novlr support?

Novlr supports several markdown shortcuts used in most modern word processors and online writing apps. Below is a full list of supported shortcuts for symbols and formatting:

copyControl + CCmd + C
cutControl + XCmd + X
pasteControl + VCmd + V
paste without formattingControl + Shift + VCmd + Shift + V
undoControl + ZCmd + Z
redoControl + Shift + ZCmd + Shift + Z
add a line breakShift + Enter or Control + EnterShift + Enter or Cmd + Enter
boldControl + BCmd + B
italicizeControl + ICmd + I
underlineControl + UCmd + U
strikethroughControl + Shift = XCmd + Shift + X
numbered listControl + Shift + 7Cmd + Shift + 7
bullet listControl + Shift + 8Cmd + Shift + 8
blockquoteControl + Shift + BCmd + Shift + B
left alignControl + Shift + LCmd + Shift + L
center alignControl + Shift + ECmd + Shift + E
right alignControl + Shift + RCmd + Shift + R
select allControl + ACmd + A
extend selection one character to leftShift + ←Shift + ←
extend selection one character to rightShift + →Shift + →
extend selection one line upShift + ↑Shift + ↑
extend selection one line downShift + ↓Shift + ↓
extend selection to the beginning of the documentControl + Shift + ↑Cmd + Shift + ↑
extend selection to the end of the documentControl + Shift + ↓Cmd + Shift + ↓
left arrow<‐<-
right arrow‐>->
registered trademark(r)(r)
one half1/21/2
one quarter1/41/4
three quarters3/43/4
plus minus+/-+/-
not equal!=!=
left guillemet<<<<
right guillemet>>>>
superscript two^2^2
superscript three^3^3

Updated on: 11/09/2023

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